The dandies’ perfume, by Oriza L. Legrand!
After the first rains of September, the woods exude scents of peat, moss and petrichor – the ideal time to stroll under the dripping canopy and enjoy a much-needed cool breeze after the scorching summer heat.
Autumn has come, the time to meditate, to observe nature as it prepares for the coming of a swift winter and its first hoars. The thickets and the glades wear their many-colored dress, their tender copper leaves smelling of soothing scents. Soon now, the mossy paths, precious jewels of the undergrowth, will welcome a layer of dead leaves burnished by the waning rays of the sun.
Chypre-Mousse reminds us of nature’s last coloured garments before the first snowfalls of winter.
The fragrance of damp forests by the glen, of golden barks and maroon leaves, of fresh treemoss and roasted chestnuts by the hearth.
Chypre-Mousse, the centennial fragrance of Maison Oriza L. Legrand, launched in 1914 for all the dandies of this world!